Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm not too good at talking to people.

The other night as I was leaving the bar, some guy decided to start talking to me. I don't know why he waited until I was leaving, but whatever. So anyway, he was talking to me, making small talk and all that. And then he asked me, "What do you like to do for fun?" Now, this is a tough question for me to answer, because I don't do stuff..... I mean, I DO stuff, but I kinda just hang out, ya know? So I said the first thing that popped into my head, which was, "I like bowling."

He stared at me for a minute, with a funny look on his face, and after pondering my statement for a minute he finally said, "Bowling is as exciting as watching paint dry." I really didn't know what to say after that.... so I didn't say anything. The conversation was pretty much over at that point.

I waited for the valet parking guy to bring me my car.... but that car he brought me wasn't mine. He brought me some kind of Toyota sports car thing, it was pretty nice. I said, "I WISH that was my car, but it's not, so maybe you could bring me mine? That would be great." After much confusion, they figured it out and brought my car over. I left the non-bowler at the curb, and he looked at me strangely as I drove away bumping some MC Hammer. I stuck my head out of the window and shouted, "What, you don't like MC Hammer, either?" And off i went. I guess some people just don't enjoy my oddness.

Speaking of oddness.... I saw a cow standing very close to the road the other day while I was driving. I moo-ed at it and accidentally almost drove off the road while doing so. It was kind of funny, in a "near death experience" type of way.

Today was lovely because I got the opportunity to go back to the hotel where I used to work in King of Prussia. It was exciting... but I didn't get to see my old office because they are currently using it for storage. But it WAS nice to see my old stomping grounds. I miss it... but not THAT much. I like their new jacuzzi, though. Maybe I'll stop in and use it sometime when no one is looking.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. It better rule or else someone is getting punched in the face.

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