Thursday, May 18, 2006

I think my eye fell out.

When are people going to learn that when you go to a hotel, you really should be nice to the front desk staff. If you're an asshole, watch out. I'll put you in a room that's right next to the elevator AND the ice machine, on the same floor as the extremely obnoxious teenage girls lacrosse team quicker than you can say, "I MUST have a quiet room". Oh, you wanna be a smartass? Your rate just went up $20. Please don't mess with the front desk staff.... they can be your best friends or your worst enemies. Your call!

Also.... for the 90th time..... the girl at the front desk is not included in the price of the room. I don't care who you are, what business you're with, or where you're from. Unless, of course, you're Croatian..... DAMN you Croatians! Where are you all coming from? (I know, I know... Croatia.)

As if my drive TO work wasn't bad enough, today some guy flipped me off on my way home, for absolutely no reason other than I didn't wanna drive over 70 mph. Go around me! What the hell?!?! Don't flip random people off, you don't know who's gonna throw a brick through your windshield. (Not that I would ever do such a thing.....) I have been known to get outta my car and whoop an ass or two. Don't tempt me!

P.S. to all my contact lens wearing friends.... Don't stick a bar of soap in your eye while your contacts are in. It burns like hell! Actually, don't stick a bar of soap in your eye at all, ever..... note to self.

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