Thursday, February 8, 2007

Corporate America at it's finest.

It amazes me how human beings speak to each other. Whatever happened to "treat others the way you want to be treated"? I guess that tired old saying went right out the window, huh?

Why am I ranting? Let me give you some insight as to what I go through every day.

I work in a shared office space environment. I answer the phones for about 40 companies, so yeah, it can get busy. Our building is secure, which means that you need a special key to get into the facility. This key will also let you into your personal office, (but only yours, of course, since each key is coded with your own private number). So basically, if you forget your key at home, your screwed.

This happens to people more than I care to talk about, so I'll just share one incident with you.
This morning Mr. Big Wig decided he was going to bring a different car to work, and his keys were on his other keychain. So he came to my desk and demanded, "I need another set of keys because I brought a different car and my keys are on my other keychain". I tried to explain to this gentleman that it will take 4-5 hours to make him another key (since we have to call someone to do it, we can't just do it ourselves), but that I would look around to see if I could find him a spare in the meantime. This, of course, is NOT good enough for Mr. Big Wig. He looks at me with disgust and says, "You can't just lock me out of my OFFICE!"

I would like to bring it to everyone's attention that I, in fact, did NOT lock Mr. Big Wig out of his office. He's the asshole that makes so much damn money that he can afford to drive a different car to work every day of the week if he wants to, which is a wonderful thing, good for him if he's in that position. But along with that position, you don't receive the authority to treat people below you with such disregard that it makes me physically ill. I did not forget your keys this morning, you did that all by yourself. Do you want me to call you each morning and say, "Good morning sweet pea, do you have your keys this morning? Do your socks match? Do you need me to come over and tie your shoes for you?"

Mr. Big Wig is only one of the people that I have the joy of seeing each day... like I said, 40 companies equals 40 Mr. Big Wigs, each thinking that their "emergency" is top priority. I get screamed at, shit on, and blamed for other people's mistakes daily. After hearing all of this, my friends and family often say, "So why are you still there?!?!?!"

Monetary compensation, my friends. They pay me well to get shit on everyday, and I'm part of a decent bonus program. Which makes me better than you. Shine my shoes, bitch!

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