Thursday, January 19, 2006


Ever since I was very young, I've always hated Sundays. My dad and I re-named this day of the week "pointless Sunday". There's no use for it, really. You don't NEED it to be Sunday to go to church, most churches have mass on Saturday now, too. I mean, I suppose you could use it as a "recovery" day from the weekend. Or it could be used as a day to get ready for the rest of the week. For many of us, we have to go back to work the following day, which is a total bummer. And for what? To go through the motions Monday through Thursday, anxiously wating for Friday to come. It is QUITE a relief when Friday finally gets here, and then of course Saturday arrives, and Saturdays are usually very good to me. But who wants to lay down on Saturday night and fall asleep, knowing that when you open your eyes Sunday will be staring you in the face? NOT I!!! Maybe I should take up a hobby for Sundays only, something to get my mind off of how bad the day really sucks.

Bingo, here I come.

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